More Siding Installation Tips

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Our Vinyl Siding Installation Series Continued….

At Columbus Windows and Siding We believe in educating and empowering our clients to know what right looks like and to understand the the pieces and parts.  Our technicians will always answer any questions you have have about your siding options.

Some Other Tips While Installing Siding

Starter Strip: Use a wider starter strip and use aluminum not vinyl.  This is a best practice and not all companies are using this technique, so this is something very important to ask any siding contractor.

Corner Posts:  Install the inside and outside corner posts. Leave a 1/4″ gap at the eaves and let the post extend below the bottom of the old siding 1/4″. Top over bottom.  Once again, this is a critical task during installation.

Windows: Install J-channel on the sides and then across the tops of all doors and windows. Notch the J-channel to provide a drip edge at the corners

TrimInstall J-channel along the sloped eaves at all gable end walls.  Nail undersill trim under all windows and along all horizontal eaves.

J-Block:  Install over substrate.  Pull any wires through. Caulk around the edges. Install light fixtures or outlets.  Snap on outside of J-Block

Other Tips:   Always start with a flat surface.  Cap corner posts.  Overlap top J-channel. Flash the whole window.  Install kick out flashing. Nail longer pieces first.  Nail straight and pull up as you go. Always crimp and caulk the top course of the siding. For more information about our process check out more about your vinyl siding options.

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