What To Know About Board And Batten Siding

When you are searching for the right siding for your home, be sure to consider board and batten siding in Columbus, Ohio. Just make sure you are aware of the pros and cons of this type of siding and that it matches all the things you are looking for. Before you make your choice, be sure to think about some of these points that can help you make up your mind and decide if this is the right option.

It is the style of a board and batten installation that is one of the best parts. Battens are attached to the joins between planks in the original layout. When the design was first developed, houses were short enough, and plans were long enough that there were no visible seams on siding at all. In comparison, vinyl siding has a lot of overlapping, thin seams. Whenever a seam is present, it casts a shadow, and when installing board and batten, you’ll have two sets of seams: one vertically where the different panels interlock, and one horizontally where one sheet stops and the next starts.

Polyvinyl chloride, specifically, is the plastic that goes into vinyl siding. The vinyl you use has a relatively low melting point, and once it has reached that point, it starts to soften and warp. Homes in Arizona that are exposed to direct sunlight can experience vinyl siding that melts and warps dramatically. If the home is located next to another house with low-E-coated windows, a certain amount of melting and warping may occur. In addition to making homes warmer, this coating causes the sun’s rays to bounce off the window, and if they hit the vinyl siding of a nearby home, can melt the siding.

Hot temperatures cause vinyl to melt, while very cold temperatures can cause it to crack. The material becomes brittle when frozen, causing vinyl siding to lose its tensile strength. A sharp knock will result in the siding breaking and cracking. Your home will not need to be painted every Spring, but cracked boards will need to be replaced in order to maintain its curb appeal.

In areas where wildfires are common, homes covered in vinyl are particularly at risk since it is not flame-retardant. The fact that vinyl burns and melts as well as being able to ignite even from further distances than wood has been demonstrated. Flames are also more likely to be directed upward to the attic, where the majority of fire-related damages may occur.board and batten siding in royal building ironstone

While board and batten siding in Columbus, Ohio is a great option for most homes, before you choose it for your own, make sure you are aware of the advantages and disadvantages of choosing this type of siding. The above points are just a few to consider and keep in mind. If you are ready to get new siding for your home and need help choosing the right type or want to choose the best quality, be sure to give us a call or stop by to see what we have available.

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