Siding Installation- What You Need to Know

Siding Installation Overview

We are continuing our series on siding installation.  Here are some key points to actually applying vinyl siding on the home.  Many companies cut corners with fasteners and during the panel installation.  We want you to know what to look for when choosing a siding company.

Best Fasteners for Vinyl Siding

Nails need to be aluminum or galvanized steel, corrosion resistant. The head of nail should be 5/16th of an inch and the shank 1/8th of an inch. For residing the nail should be 2” in length and if using backer board they should be 2 ½ inch.

Make sure that the nail penetrates at least ¾” into framing.  You need to leave 1/32th of an inch between the head and the siding.  Remember that siding will expand and contract as weather changes so panel have to be able to move.  All panels need to lock in place at the bottom. When nailing make sure you start in the center and work out. Nails must be driven straight and level in the middle of the nail slot.

Installation of Siding Panels

When installing the first course It’s important to work with care and planning as you install siding panels. This is especially true when you’re installing the first course of siding. The key to creating a visually attractive siding installation is to lap away from areas where people normally walk or gather. For example, on the front wall, work from the corners to the entrance door (so overlaps face away from door). On side walls, work from the rear corners toward the front. This approach minimizes the effect of lapping and produces the best appearance. Keep lap appearance in mind throughout installation. Lap appearance is also improved when you avoid using panels less than 3′ long.

Installing remaining courses to ensure best appearance, position the laps to avoid unsightly joint patterns.  A well-planned staggering of panel joints is essential.  Separate joints by at least two courses. And avoid joints above and below windows.  Leave at least 3′ separating joints on successive courses. Use short cutoff lengths for fitting at narrow openings between windows. Always follow the planned pattern when applying the next courses of siding. You’ll probably have to cut panels to fit under windows.

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